Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Golden Hour

Potential… What would be life without it? Would the world be as it is right now? Would we be here right now?

Now imagine a world without potential…

Would we have the same expectations that we have right now? Would we be who we are right now? Who will you be? Were would we be? Can you imagine a world without re-invention? We might still have to walk to school… We might still to have to cook our meals in a fireplace? That we still need to write letters to a loved one? Re-Invention… Is something that we all need to apply!

What if?... Henry Ford never came up with the idea of building a machine so amazing that will transport us from point A… to point B. What if?... Benjamin Franklin never has the thought of building a equipment that will simplify one of the most important task everyday. Or, how about if?… Alexander Bell never dreamt about a better way to spread the word?

These people have a vision of changing and helping the world… These people might fail a couple of times… But they never gave up. For example let’s review the story of the man that we might be grateful for electricity power! Mr. Thomas Alva Edison.

Mr. Edison was look from everyone as a person who was out of his mind… I mean SERIOUSLY, “Like… this crazy guy is going to make light like God?” Thomas was never believe by others, he fail a lot of times. But one day… Mr. Thomas Alva Edison makes a discovery that would change our life for ever… He discovers the electricity! After that shocking discovery the presses came and ask him… “How did you feel after failing 300 times” but Mr. Edison wisely answered, “I didn’t fail 300… Instead I learn 300 new way of ‘not’ discovering electricity”.

Does anyone know how we would be if this men, never stood up for his belief… If he listen to the negative critics that people said about him? If never reach his full potential… (PAUSE)


We would be in the darkness of failure… But instead we need to be our own light… Just like Mr. Edison, we need to never give up, we need to believe in ourselves, and always reinvent ourselves by taking the challenge to a whole new level. Just then we will turn on…


The light of our lives and become an awesome human being!

So… Now that we’ve learn about how important is to have POTENTIAL and always be RE-INVENTING ourselves… Always remember that every single day in life, is a challenge, is a new day to do better that we did the last one… Everyday we have a chance to change the world, just like great minds like yours, have find a way to RE-INVENT and make ORDINARY things we use every single day into EXTRAORDINARY things… Hybrid Cars, Electric Stoves, Multi-tasking cellphones, even high efficiency electric bulbs.

The point is to always remember 3 things no matter what situation you might face in life…




These 3 things will help you out to turn on the light, so you can be able to reach your goals and enlighten your road to your bright future.

God Bless you all!

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